Beta v0.6.2

Custom Styles

If you need to customize the style of a component the resolve tag from styled-jsx/css can be used: styled-jsx docs

The nested components is styled from the parent.

Example: Custom styled Button

import css from "styled-jsx/css";
import { Button } from "pier-ui";
const customButton = () => {
const { className, styles } = css.resolve`
.custom-style.button.primary {
background-color: rgb(139, 40, 219);
border-color: rgb(139, 40, 219);
.custom-style.button.primary:hover {
background-color: rgb(115, 33, 183);
border-color: rgb(115, 33, 183);
return (
<Button variant="primary" className={`custom-style ${className}`}>
Primary Custom Styles
export default customButton;

It is recommanded to add a custom class name before you overwrite the the classes of the component. The css classes form the component are visible in the rendered component.