Beta v0.6.2

Getting Started


Inside your React project directory, run the following:

yarn add pier-ui

Or with npm:

npm install pier-ui --save

Basic Setup

// 1. import `Pier UI` component
import { PierUIProvider } from "pier-ui";
function App() {
// 2. Wrap Pier UI Provider at the root of your app
return (
<>Your Application </>

Advanced Setup ( recommanded )

If you want to use pier-ui as a starter UI and build your own components, use the untranspiled source files ( pier-ui/lib ) or simple copy the untranspiled source files in your project and configure styled-jsx:

yarn add pier-ui styled-jsx classnames prop-types

Or with npm:

npm install pier-ui styled-jsx classnames prop-types --save

// 1. import `Pier UI` component
import { PierUIProvider } from "pier-ui/lib";
function App() {
// 2. Wrap Pier UI Provider at the root of your app
return (
<>Your Application </>

Configure styled-jsx

To use pier-ui with styled-jsx, you have to add styled-jsx/babel to plugins in your babel configuration:

"plugins": ["styled-jsx/babel"]

See the styled-jsx Docs here: styled-jsx docs

Usage with Next.js

Next.js automatically configures styled-jsx with babel, you don't have to configure it manually. In your Next.js , run the following:

npm install pier-ui next-transpile-modules --save

Change the next.config.js file:

const withTM = require("next-transpile-modules")(["pier-ui"]);
module.exports = withTM({});


import { PierUIProvider } from "pier-ui/lib";
function MyApp({ Component, pageProps }) {
return (
<Component {...pageProps} />
export default MyApp;

If you use pier-ui as a node module in your Next.js project, you have to install next-transpile-modules to use pier-ui/lib. Or copy the untranspiled source files to your project for example ./components/lib/ and import:

import { PierUIProvider } from "./components/lib/";

Usage with Create React App

Create React App comes with babel-plugin-macros already installed, so the only thing that needs to be done is to install styled-jsx.

Usage with Rollup

Coming Soon.